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Ecofleet is visiting UAE and Egypt


Mr. Kavin Kong, the president of Shanghai EcoFleet Cooling Equipment Co., Ltd, currently is paying a visit to UAE (13, Apr.-20, Apr.), and Egypt (21, Apr.-28, Apr.), accompanying by chief engineer, Mr. Dahua Chen. If you are in above region and have interest in our transport A/C unit and reefer system, please send your inquiry to gm@ecofleetcooling.com, looking forward to hear from you


EcoFleet China, 20 years' developing and manufacturing experience at parking cooler (also known as engine off air conditioner or DC powered air conditioner) and electric refrigeration unit (also known as engine drive refrigeration system or reefer unit) for all types of van and truck.
We offer the most considerate advise as well as exceptional solutions, welcomes you to consult about our products.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to leave your message via 'Contact us' section of our website or email to info@ecofleetcooling.com. We sincerely look forward to hear from you.

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